Who am I
Born 1989 in Cape Town South Africa, lived there ever since. Main interests are water sports, electronic engineering and sending things into space. Recently finished my PhD in Propagation Modeling for the Square Kilometer Array with focus on UAV's as part of the EMRIn (Electromagnetic Metrology and Inovation) group. Currently, I am working at Cambridge University designing aperture array antennas and investigating large-scale nearfield scanning using UAV's.
- Bachelors in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Cum Laude) - Stellenbosch University
- PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering - Stellenbosch University
- Pienaar, H and Davidson, D.B., "Design of a dual-polarised wideband source antenna on-board an UAV for radio astronomy element characterisation." International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, 2107.
- Pienaar, H and Davidson, D.B., "Error sensitivity analysis for multi-copter planar positioning on low-gain nearfield measurements." International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications 2016.
- Pienaar, H, et al. "Building electromagnetic shielding characterisation using multicopter." Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility & Signal Integrity, 2016.
- Pienaar, H, et al. "Karoo array telescope berm shielding: Efficient computational modelling and multicopter measurement." Transactions on Electromagnetic Capability, 2016.
- Pienaar, H, et al. "RF shielding for multi-copter based electromagnetic metrology platforms." Conference on Antenna Measurements and Applications, 2016.
- Pienaar, H.; Reader, H.C., "Model and full-scale study of soil berm for Karoo array telescope shielding." International Symposium on EMC, 2015
- Pienaar, H.; Reader, H.C., "Multicopter metrology platform for propagation measurements." International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, 2015